Thursday, April 21, 2011

Appeal to the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Please save the people from repressive regime of Murad Regassa
The tyrannical regime is brutalizing and bleeding the people

The dictatorial HNL regime lead by Murad Regassa is conducting house to house searches and arresting many pro justice Hararis. Since yesterday a number of pro justice hararis are languishing in jails and human rights abuse of significant degree is taking place. The prisoners are being tortured, beaten and held with out trails. Others are in hiding and some fled the region altogether.   Hararis are crying and confronted with unparalleled repressions under the watchful eyes of the federal government. The dreadful actions of the brutal regime confirm its hands in the murders and crimes going on in that region for many years. Moreover, the violations of human rights, arrests without warrants in the cover of darkness attest the brutal and tyrannical nature of the regime. People must speak up loud and stop the crimes committed against the people who are seeking nothing but justice.  Particularly, the federal government is duty bound to ensure the constitutional rights of every citizen is respected and innocent citizens are protected from such kind of naked human rights violations. As stated clearly from the outset, the regime run by Murad Regassa cannot and would not bring peace, stability and justice in that region. The fear is that, they are hurting many innocent citizens by avenging and ravaging the defenseless people.  As concerned citizens we have obligations to stop crimes of any kind and that the one fiercely going on in Harari regions. Murad Regassa and his criminal gangs must be forced to relinquish power to responsible party to bring peace, good government and development for the poor people.

April 21, 2011

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