Monday, July 04, 2011

HNL and Ragassa debacle: Ragassa defected to U.S.A

Ragassa, the vice president of Harari regional state miraculously popped out in Dallas without any kind of warning and announcement from any one.  This perhaps is among one of the worst, bizarre and idiotic acts of HNL to date. It is defection and that is what it is. If Ragassa come to Dallas by himself without official representation from Harari regional state it is the act of treason and the worst display of arrogance to the people of Hararis. Why, when, where, by whom Ragassa sent to Dallas is questioning needs answer immediately.  It seems his defection is well orchestrated by HNL henchmen and rulers. It is well planned and coordinated by Murad and others kept secrete way beyond the last minutes and up to destinations. Why HNL refused to disclose its delegates before hand and ignored requests from Dallas committees?   HNL is a criminal and mafia agent and the last vestiges of ESAP Derg regimes. HNL used ethnic, religious and personal and family issues and manipulated to further selfish interests and destroy the interest of Hararis. HNL always uses fear against Hararis to silence them to advance personal wealth and greed.

HNL is violating every rules and regulations of Ethiopia and defaming the image of the country and that of Hararis. Whether Murad and HNL is helping his criminal friend Ragassa to escape justice or testing the will of Hararis, the Ragassa debacle is God sent uniting gifts and the sabotage against people will fail. Does any normal person believes that a vice president of a legal and constitutionally established state just run to Dallas without the prior knowledge and agreement of the regional government? If Ragassa left without permissions, both Ethiopia and Harari state deserve to be called outlaws and failed nations indeed. The Federal and Harari government must fire Ragassa for violating the constitutional order and injecting fears and dividing the communities. We demand complete answer and accountability on this matter right away.  Some HNL diehards like Mohammed Shash selectively telling their equally diehard gullible and condescending friends, Ragassa left on his own accord. What a farce and a lie.  In that case HNL come and fire him openly.  As this opportunity Malasaylink says cheers to Dallas for rejecting Ragassa and protecting the unity and interests of the community.

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