Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Questions and concerns those require definite answers ♦♦♦Governing ♦♦♦oppositions ♦♦♦Murad and Turkey♦♦♦ Raide ♦♦♦ Yimaj ♦♦♦HSCF ♦♦♦Ragasa ♦♦♦Fahmi♦♦♦

Lingering and outstanding questions and concerns are still requiring and calling for some kind of answers and people need to be remained again hiding issues under the rug as old custom and tradition should not be allowed to continue. It is entrenched tradition to shrug serious matters and grievous injustice. As the government and responsible community we must address questions and serious concerns openly and properly and hiding them and dogging them ultimately crumble our foundations and devalue our community. Having said that, here are some of outstanding issues still looking for solutions and any reasonable and knowledgeable person can provide facts and respond in kind to help our society to move forward.

Concern one: governing issues remain on the top of all our problems and no one can find solutions and how long these situations continue in depressed and hostile and unacceptable divisions. The unjust and hostile environment severely and dangerously damaged and weakened the status of Hararis. HNL leaders rejected peace conference and shut the doors for any kind of compromises. HNL decided no need to talk any body, no peace and told the world all is well and good and get lost. The question and the concern is what can be done to change this kind of rigid, irresponsible and destructive political thinking and mind. Here the stack is high the price is too much and the future is bleak unless Hararis resolved to solve the problems without further delay. The crises of Hararis are way beyond election. As HNL agents preach election cannot solve deeply divided society and reconciliations of genuine effort and character for love of country and immense work and agreements are must to narrow the gaps even to conduct civilized elections.  Hararis deserve just government and we are all responsible to help realize that objective and at this time of great month there is nothing better than answering the call for justice and truth society.

Concern two: The oppositions; the Harari oppositions literally and practically destroyed by brutal, merciless and illegal actions of HNL and compliance of EPRDF. When HNL decimated the Harari oppositions by unlawful means and broken all rules and regulations of the country, EPRDF chose to shut there eyes and ears and let the crimes committed. But what HNL did to the Hararis and oppositions is unforgivable crime. For the first time in history of Ethiopia HNL introduced money factor and bought and sold election candidates and electors with tax payers’ money. Money and violence forcefully removed the oppositions from political filed.  Even now HNL gangster regime accuses the oppositions as a terrorist groups and one can see clearly the level of animosity and the degree and desire to completely and totally destroy them from the face of the earth. Just and responsible Hararis and EPRDF must ask themselves how they can tolerate such blatant and cruel politicking in that region. How can Ethiopia build democratic society if savage regimes of HNL types violate every rules and laws of the country?  Seriously, the Harari oppositions must be provided safe working conditions in Harar and must be provided protections for their members to exercise their constitutional rights. No one is asking for silver spoon feeding of the oppositions and only for their protection of their constitutional rights and let the people judge and decide their fates.

At the same time the oppositions boldly and determinedly try to overcome these horrendous problems and work vigorously to improve the political climate to their favor. The oppositions should go out and challenge Hararis to stop their silence and start speak out for the destitute people.  Effective organization and well planed outreach campaign and bold approach to the problems are some of the steps the oppositions can deploy and employ to change the stagnant and intractable Harari problems. The oppositions must approach the responsibility professionally and with utmost care and sensibility. They need to work hard and recruit and bring new clean blood to their fold. It is very difficult community to organize and must be challenged and hold dialogue and discourse at personal, group and workshop levels to make dents and bring required changes. There is no easy way out and the oppositions must seek all venues, tactics and strategies to safe Harar and Hararis and themselves. Lobby and seek the help of the federal and other regional governments and institutions. The best thing the oppositions can do is to try to learn how to use the system and the resources of the country.  The environment is difficult but one has either quits or boldly and intelligently navigates the obstacles and win. The message for the opposition is just by working systematically, deliberately, consciously and by organizing professionally and by focusing on the main objective and refusing to be destructed by HNL dirty ploys they can move one step to their goals. Professional, trained, disciplined and well organized opposition can defeat HNL and bring just government in Harar. Show that you are capable and you can lead the people. If you work hard and stand for justice and truth you will win.

Concern three: Recently a friend from North Carolina visited Harar and his assessment of the political, social and economic conditions are dire. Hostile and bitter political situations, decaying and timid society and crumbled economy devastated and ruined once thriving and highly advanced community. Days of discussions exposed the sorry state of Harar and the conspiracy of silence that is killing it souls. The collective silence of many Hararis and hiding facts and evidences of injustice, corruptions and crimes kept as the expense of the survival of Harar. For example, individuals like Raide the former Murad adviser who served the regime as top level and privy to secrets and illegal dealings chose to remain silent enface of continued misdeeds and downward slide of the society.

According to the information, Raide and Murad share heavy secrets that burden the Harari people. Both of these individuals are at loggerhead and one cannot harm the other because of the common secrets dealings and conspiracies against the Harari people. They think one is insurance for the other and both content to keep the secret in order to safe themselves from the wreath of justice. Raide can expose and also ask for mercy and bring down the unjust system. But like many other dejected and jailed former HNL members he chose to keep silent and let the crimes go on indefinitely against his people. Raide by coming clean and break the silence can free himself and the people of Harar. At this holy month Malaysachlink appeal to Raide and others who hide many secretes to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Truth will save you and Harar.

Concern four: Yimaj Idris the arrant and the bully boy of HNL displayed his hostility and hatred to Diasporas and exposed in public when he vented his anger against a visitor. Yimaj was in fighting mood and bloody boiling when he came roaring to attack the visitor from Australia. How on earth one allows this thuggish juvenile to threaten and try to harm peaceful person?  If there is law and order in Harar, he could have been brought to justice but in Harar Yimaj is the law, the justice, police and the government and he is everything. Yimaj and some HNL heads think Harar is there personal fiefdom and could do what ever please them and above the law. That is why HNL regime remains quite and let Yimaj continue abusing other defenseless Hararis.  This incident shows how Harar is unsafe to Diaspora visitors. Malaysachlink strongly urges the Australian visitor to complain the assault and intimidations to federal authorities. The Diaspora communities must file their objections to the federal government and to bring Yimaj to justice and HNL to stop harassing visitors to the city. The criminal and bully behavior of Yimaj is very serious problem and should not be taken lightly. It is the reflections of HNL leaders’ culture and examples of how they repress and abuse our miskin people. The worst thing about this and other problems is that people chose to stay silent and no one willing to fix things but willing to ignore or accept it.  Awful things happened and crime is committed and no one wants to correct and speak for justice and truth. But why and how long we stay timid and fearful?

Concern five: HSCF, Malaysachlink wrote few articles on this subject and could not find any one that tells the truth the decisions of HSCF regarding the final host city for 2012. There was decision but kept in dark and no official statement issued to this date and the question and the concern is why? There are too many unnecessary rumors and allegations flying around simply to confuse and play on people for what? Why secrecy and cover up? One of persistent news coming from San Jose tells of HSCF wrote a letter to bad boys of HNL to host 2012 in Harar. Practically HSCF is begging HNL to host the event. If HSCF went begging HNL to host the event it would be one of the worst follies and betrayals of all times. The question and the concern again is to ascertain the truth and what is the truth and please tell the truth and in the holy month of Ramadan one soul among HSCF leaders  must be brave enough to say the true correct decisions. Why Hararis cannot swallow the truth. Very unfortunate and hurtful.

Question one: Does any body knows what is the business and connections between Turkey and HNL lead by Murad. Murad and many of his inner circles are frequent flyers to Turkey and is there any one that can shed the truth behind these trips? What is the nature of the visit, government or personal? Some one for sure knows the truth and is invited to educate and enlighten Hararis.

Question two: Ragasa, he came to America and talked to some HNL people in secret and went back to Harar and commenced his job as before as if nothing happened. What was really and truly happened in Dallas and what did he do?  Who was with him and who were his contacts and what was the purpose of his mission and the task? Can anyone shed the truth? His trip was private or public? Why he pretend to represent Harari government despite official denials? Unjust government breads ills, suspicions, mistrust, distrust and acrimonies. Accountability and transparency of some sort could have spared the humiliation of Hararis and the government.  The saga of Ragasa is the extent of Indeed truth is something very precious and difficult to find in Harar.

Question three: Fahmi Mawi, would he desert or not? Why should he desert his country? I hope he will not desert his country and continue to server as loyal civil servant. There are consequences for every action and if he decides to desert what would the federal government think about HNL or Hararis? Desertion is the most serious matter and the impact can last for a long time. According to reliable information the federal government gave promotion and he was privileged one. Although his record to the community was totally negative, in the eyes of the federal government and diehard HNL leaders and members he was the man that could do the dirty jobs and brutal enough to take dangerous risks. He is the sharpshooter of abusive regime of Murad and Ragasa. At this moment his where about is unknown and as the many cases of Hararis this one is another mystery waiting to be solved with the passage of time. The rumors are plenty that Fahmi is in Toronto the caves of HNL thugs and others still claim he is in America but assure you he is not in North Carolina. Where is he? Canada or America? Do not really matter and whatever he decides I wish him well and his family. But please head the advice and try to be nice person and remove yourself from abusive and repressive groups and HNL mafias. If you decide Toronto the peaceful city infected by HNL bedbugs please stay away from arba nure jama as they will make your asylum claims fail.  There is nothing better than to be responsible, kind, caring, truthful, decent and good person. For a change be with your oppressed people, champion their cause and become agent of good. Welcome to the world of Diasporas dear sir, counselor Fahmi Mawi.

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