Saturday, April 02, 2011

The tragedy and oppressions of Hararis
The Hararis are one of the hardest hit and most oppressed ethnic and religious groups in Ethiopia. Emperor Menilik and his successors conducted total genocide, outright massacres and dispossessed and evicted the Harari people from their land, families and banished them to faraway places. The policy of emperor Menilik and Haile Selassie had religious zeal, brutal and genocidal against Hararis. Their policy was focused to exterminate, evict, depopulate, displace the indigenous populations and relegate them to minority status. The oppressive rulers effectively accomplished their objective by populating the region by their descendents and armed settlers changing the demographic nature of the region permanently. To this date their descendents and extreme chauvinists dead set to destroy and erase the remaining Hararis.
The tragedies of Hararis never end. Hararis as primary victim of the past regimes become once again target of their children. The people who committed the past crimes and evicted the people are now denying once again the legitimate and inherent rights of the people. It is like being punished over and over again for no apparent crimes and being helpless victims. They destroyed the population and now saying you are minority and get lost. Harari region is our land and it is no more yours. The Amhara neftegnas who planned, crafted and designed to depopulate and relegates the status of Hararis to minority nature, now determined to deprive their constitutional rights and federal self administrations as anti democratic. These oppressive and savage forces continue conducting and campaigning inhuman and direct assault against the rights, culture, language, religion, political and economic rights of Hararis.  Their constitutional rights are mocked, challenged and threatened by various forces and their indigenous rights relegated to minority status within their own home land. Extreme chauvinists are saying crime indeed pays. The descendents of oppressors instead of acknowledging and addressing the injustice of their forefathers, they are fiercely and savagely pursuing to eliminate and destroy the remaining Hararis. Hararis are victimized again and again by the same greedy and merciless groups of conquerors this time by the name of democracy and individual rights. 
Despite constitutional recognitions the threat and hate against our people continue unabated. The change of fascist regime in 1991 and the new federal constitution which guaranteed the right of nations and nationalities brought enormous hope, joy and confidence to our people and for the first time after the conquest of Menilik, we regained self administrations. The federal constitutions asserted, recognized and restored the indigenous right of Hararis despite huge oppositions and objections from brutal, fascistic and genocidal arrogant elements. Our constitutional rights are rejected by our former oppressors and illegal occupiers, who deliberately and systematically taken over the region. The Hararis become the main focus of the oppositions and target of zealots denying our people the constitutions and the federal structure of the new Ethiopia. They are telling us we do not deserve it and a tiny minority has no rights of any claim over Harari jurisdictions. Here again constant threat and fear of genocide confronting the people of Hararis. Hateful creatures from different corners openly threatening to eliminate our people and our problems further compounded by selfish, greedy, irresponsible and undemocratic rulers of Harari region.

Quadruple jeopardy
The new Ethiopian federal constitution which guaranteed and enshrined the legitimate and self governing rights of Hararis is one of the greatest event and achievement of the struggle of the people of Ethiopia against tyranny and despotic rulers. The problem is though that this golden opportunity is missed, mishandled and never benefited the Hararis.  I would say openly, bluntly and with bitter sadness that the Harari people completely lost their unity, self respect solidarity and cohesions more than ever before. In truth, this is trying and tragic times for the Harari people.  Abandoned by all level of governments, rejected, divided and oppressed by their own sons and daughters, ignored by the rest of its children and hammered, insulted and threatened by Amhara neftegnas and other expansionist elements, Hararis are facing multiple crises and exposed to quadruple jeopardy.  It is the case of unspeakable and horrendous quadruple jeopardy. The defunct Harari regime, elements of the federal government, elements of OPDO, the neftegnas and some of the children of Hararis are conspiring and hastening the demise and the end of Harari region very eagerly and urgently. On the top of all these, the unnecessary religious divisions and importing various religious sects from foreign countries severely divided and fractured our people. At this moment the people of Hararis are attacked and terrorized both by shameless sell out Harari rulers and shameless neftegna zealots. To date the Hararis remain the people who denied the benefits of the new Ethiopia and prevented their constitutional rights by the individuals who entrust to run the government and by the federal government who choice to abandon and ignore the cry of the Hararis. The Harari people are among some of Ethiopian religious and ethnic groups excluded and never allowed a seat and representations inside EPRDF and national issues. I am dreadfully hopeless and given up on Harari rulers and still believe and think EPRDF will come and respond to the cries of Hararis may be some time in the future. I would like to see democratic, developed, vibrant and caring Harar and resent the wishes of some groups equating as failed and useless state.  At this time there is no single soul from right, left or any directions speaking and responding to cries of the Harari people.

The hyenas of Harar
The hyenas of Harar are known as predators and perfect scavengers. They are much similar to Amahra neftegnas who are preying on the right of defenceless, helpless indigenous people. Throughout the century by illegal occupations and brute forces they suffocated, massacred and ruled our people with indignity, injustice and inhumanly. Our people suffered so much under neftegna barbaric rules, when the new federal system allowed the formation of Harari state; it was nothing short of a miracle.  But for the Hararis the miracle immediately turned to a nightmare. The elites and the business men of Harari started to fight like hyenas devouring each other and the population without any mercy. The elites and the business men of Hararis turned out much the same us cursed and oppressive Amahra neftegnas. Thus, Hararis continue to be attacked by all kind of hyenas one after the other. It matters little if these hyenas are Harari neftegnas, Amahra neftegnas or whatever. The hyenas are all the same, they break and crush the bones of their victims. The Hararis are victimized by everyone and the dark cloud of total destructions hovering over their region. Their souls are wounded, weakened and their fates become so much worst, bitter than ever before and found under constant perils. 
Since the establishment of the federal system, our people lacked and denied responsible governments. We never had nationalist governments since the emergence of the new federal state. Just like previous Amahra neftegna oppressors, the native ones also hungry, greedy and dirty hyenas of the same root with big jaws crushing the populations. It is very painful, disappointing, tragic and sad that the elites and the business men of Harari origin behave and act similar to Amahra neftegnas by torturing, evicting and sucking the blood of their own people. In truth there are no differences between these two breeds of dark forces oppressing the Hararis mercilessly.  The Amahra neftegna hyenas and the Harari neftegna hyenas are the same and both are denying the constitutional right of the people, stealing the budget of the people, selling the lands and the property of the people for their own personal use. The Harari neftegnas are doing the same things that Amahra neftegnas used to do to our people. They are abusive, oppressive, manipulative, dictatorial and corruptive to the core. They exposed the people for dangerous situations to the point of losing their homeland. 
The Harari hyenas or the new Harari neftegnas denied our people justice, peace, security, development, water, shelter, food, education and protections. For the last twenty years there is no water and over 400 million dollars are stolen from the people by various Harari corrupt and abusive rulers. No water for the people and no one is held accountable and the water crises making the lives of our people very difficult and much bitter. The water problems shows how local and federals rulers are neglecting, degrading and debasing the Harari people and scandals of huge proportions such as this left unanswered for two decades. Denying essential services are a crime and injustice. No accountability, no responsibility and robbing the people openly and lack of justice or legal remedy to bring sanity and rule of laws to victims is appalling. Shameful and disgraceful acts purported by mafia style Harari rulers are fracturing and destroying the soul and the foundation of the regions. 
Hararis are denied essential services and the hyenas of Harar are pocketing the public budget without any fear and concerns to the people. Business people are chased away if they refused to pay bribes. Particularly, Harari entrepreneurs and business people deliberately and forcefully evicted or made to leave the region. As the result there are no investments that generate good jobs and decent incomes to the people. The region becomes hostile for investment, entrepreneurs, civic associations, educators, politicians and anyone with civic and humanitarian concerns. There are no journalists and independent media. The political parties are banned and their members are persecuted, fired from their jobs, arrested without charges and chased out from the region. But the sad and tragic fact remain that there is no one and place to appeal to and ask for justices. There are many other horrendous crimes that are committed openly and everyone is silent and allowed the crimes to continue and watch the suffering of the victims without any shames. The region is empty and there is no real person left except some zombies and the garaba addicts. The devil is taken over and the Amhara neftegnas work of hundred years successfully produced poisoned, addicts, criminals, lazes, illiterates, and fearful, unaccountable, irresponsible and greedy generations.

The Garaba generations
Kat/chat, shisha, alcohols and other devilish and bad habits and addictions overwhelmingly conquered and enslaved the new generations completely.  There is no redemptions and hope as long as the present evil rulers remain on power. The most productive force is paralyzed, immobilized and the addictions turned the entire generations in to mental case and hardened criminals. These useless parasites live on the misery and back of their aged parents. These cursed generations are abusive, disrespectful of elders, parents, law and order and highly detest work and schooling. They forcefully snatch and rob their families of meager resources and money for their daily addictions. The garaba generations includes also many of the silent majority who refused and shut off their souls to enormous crimes around and close to them. Hararis have collectively hidden and kept quite these kinds of horrendous crimes against the elderly and defenceless parents. These parasitic predators and criminals dislike schools, hate any kind of work and very selfish and overly irresponsible group of individuals. There are families and parents left their livelihoods and moved to far away places because of these thugs. These criminals are above the law and freely and without any fear and consequences wagging untold crimes and abuses without any impunity. This is supposed to be the country of laws and orders, caring and respect. No more, and hell is broken loose and the devil is on the throne of one of the fourth holiest Islamic centres. Say no more and the choice for Hararis is either to allow the devil to rule us and destroy us for ever or fight like Imam Ahmed and Imir Nure and claim and regain our glory.

Deafening silence
More than anything Harar is dying because of shire and absolute and deafening silence. People are silent, bitterly silent, overly silent, openly silent, angrily silent, sadly and crying silent, fearfully silent, shamefully silent, selfishly silent, and unreasonably silent and carelessly silent in the face of horrendous crimes, injustice, abuses and oppressions. Why? Why? Why? This is un-Islamic, un-Harari, inhuman and degrading. Stand up for justice, rights and save our poor and helpless people from complete extinctions.

The first simple action
Now let us go back to the main reason for this article. On April 9th and April 10th 2011, the federal government of Ethiopia conducting consultations and discussions on the Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan with Ethiopian origins in cities all over North America. The five year plan of GTP (Growth and Transformation Plan) is designed among major things to construct extensive infrastructures, industries and engage in huge agricultural schemes to attain food self sufficiency and end food aid to Ethiopia. These are marvellous and timely objectives which all Ethiopians must support and participate wholeheartedly. I support and also believe all Ethiopians support and engage to bring economic development and eradicate poverty in our country. This is not the subject of discussions and what is under debate and I object is that the people who come to educate and carry the message of GTP - Growth and Transformation Plan.  
The delegates include federal government ministers, party and officials from various regions.  Some of the delegates such as from Harari region have no capacity, morality and respectability to carryout important messages and huge national economic development schemes such as GTP (Growth and Transformation Plan). Corrupt, abusive and undemocratic regimes like Harari ones should not be allowed to tarnish and degrade such kind of respectable forum, where by serious national issues are discussed by honest and hard working Ethiopians. The message is good but the messengers are thieves, bad and brutal. On that ground the simple action which required from Hararis is not to attend the meeting wherever these kinds of unaccountable, irresponsible, callous, corrupt, greedy, oppressive and divisive elements present. Stay away from the meetings and deny legitimacy, recognitions and acceptance to individuals like Harari rulers who oppress and rob their people with impunity. This is very simple protest action to highlight the misery, grievances and enormous suffering of our people. You could do nothing as usual, or do something for a change or you could take serious actions and stop the crying of our people. It is up to you and your conscience.  
Finally, this repressive Harari regime is taking for granted the silence of innocent Hararis and inflicting enormous damages on the National Interest of Hararis. Here after we will never going to be silenced and be bystander anymore. At the same time I would like to forcefully stress and assert that the Hararis has historical, natural and inherent rights and any attempt to undermine our rights by any groups will never succeed.  We will fight and defend our rights and the struggle for democratizations and problems with current regime would never diminish our legitimate, inherent and indigenous rights. Any conspiracy and sabotage by neftegnas, cynics, vultures and predators to undermine and manipulate some shortcomings and difficulties is nothing but selfishness, shire greed and deceptive act that will fail utterly.  I would say it again in strongest terms possible that there will be no compromises on our natural and indigenous rights with anyone. The legitimate and constitutional rights of Hararis are not open for any debates and discussions. I am certain and confident that Hararis from everywhere and anywhere bravely and bitterly fight to the last breath to persevere and flourish the state of Hararis.


Anonymous said...

I am very sorry and angry with the HNL and garaba genrations. garaba genrations is correct labeling of the present genaration. talk, talk and useless talk only good for nothing. if some one take away harar only blame HNL and garaba geenrations.

Anonymous said...

May Allah bless you, hararis need to wake up from deep sleep .this is critical time let us help Harar and Harais .

Anonymous said...

1) Are you sure what you are campaigning for is a solution?

2) Since you label all, then from whom do you expect the change to come from?

3) What is difference between each regional states?

Anonymous said...

"1) Are you sure what you are campaigning for is a solution?
2) Since you label all, then from whom do you expect the change to come from?
3) What is difference between each regional states?"

Harari is failed state and me say the solution is OPDO should take it over. The remaining hararis can go to America and Canada and join arba nure and other garaba jammas

Anonymous said...

Anonymous No. 4

Are you the blog owner? If not let's hear from the one who has written the piece as it does not make sense from the name it bears.

One must understand that Hararis' national sentiment along with its bondage remains for over 100 years after losing the leadership in its’ region. It is still there preserving the same sentiments and survive all the obstacles and hardship along the way.

Common human vulnerably for all types of temptations & inadequacies living in a complex world should not be a measure for a sweeping conclusion by discounting & negating all its role, the past as well as the present, unless it is a self defeat. Alhamdu’lillah real judgment is not left to humans.

Hararis everywhere are organized as the traditional way maintaining it's heritage whether in America or Canada.

1) The writer of the piece should have looked into himself in the mirror before jumping to paint others to reflect his role as a part of that community.

2) Why didn't the writer use his real name when writing in such contemptible & inappropriate fashion by explaining his endeavor for the community, to assess the degree of his sainthood for his conclusive remarks?

3) No where in the piece explained or identified the rank of other regional parties including OPDO showing their excellence or better performance in comparison with HNL except plain praise.

We are living in a very difficult era that requires to help each others. What we perceive & rash for judgment from the influence of mainstream media campaigns leads to mind slavery as one can easily figure its impact from the posted piece. Mission accomplished, first hate those around you. What an achievement!

Anonymous said...

I like to express my deepest appreciation to the writter. It is not important to know your real name or who you are. I am only interested in What you had to say. Whil I was reading your posting I felt you were in my inner thinking. Said I WOW!!!

You just wrote what I feel in my heart. It is sad and hurtful to wittness Hararis to suffer over and over and over. I realy could not understand some of Hararis abroad. What does it take to feel the pain of our people who are bleeding non stop? By the name of unity should we be silent while few
greedy Hararis sack the blood out of voiceless majority?
hararis? How do we define unity? In what cost? Is it
possible to unite entire Hararis? If not do we all have commen goal? If so, can we work together without name
calling or down grade each other?

For the writer

You stated not attend the meeting of the deligates.

Like our ansister said," Saame Zayale Ayzoom Hiraat

Don't you think this we shoul take it as an opportunity to voice our concerns?

Thanks agin.

Anonymous said...

“Don't you think this we shoul take it as an opportunity to voice our concerns?”

One can scream loud, shout like crazy and try to reason and ask fair and legitimate questions and many people did that for so long and wasted. The harari corrupted regime lead by Murad will never care and will never respond to your answers or hear your cry. 20 years no water and no Harari rulers give a dime about the suffering of the people. They took money from harari diasporas during millennium time for land and now no land no money. They arrested many of their friends and innocent people and a lot of people ask questions and cried to them no answer. Corruptions here and there too many people ask and ask and angrily and modestly no one cares. You know very well these people are made of black stone and never listen to the cry of their people. For the last 20 years many people talk to them and badly failed. How do you talk to such cruel gangsters? The best thing is to avoid them and shun them completely. That gives signal to others these oppressive leaders are not wanted and supported by their people. If you think you will get some answers to your questions and concerns good luck to you.


Thank you

Bad wedada Harar said...

ignore the brutal Harari regime. Do not communicate with them but communicate with your people. Form a unity among Haries everywhere and do not mention the name of Harari black stones. They are not Harari any more for me.

What is the solution ? let us discuss in future.

Anonymous said...

Malasayach-Salhadin/Bad wedada Harar

Are you concerned Hararis?

Here is the reality; - Harari regional state in its present shape is very small in size with very limited income and undeveloped resources. In addition most of her capable offsprings scattered all over the world.

Those who are administering the region have dared (to repeat it again have dared) to stay unlike others who consider patriotic contribution is just criticizing inefficiencies and weaknesses.

The field is open for all sorts of positive contributions. Concerned Hararis can seriously participate in Hararies civil societies for the well being of the region’s residents by directly engaging in the field. Short of the above but immersed in negative energy one should not expect change by labeling its leaders and residents unless one tries to escape from his/her responsibilities and try to cover own deficiency & incompetency.

As they question in North America, where’s the beef?

"What is the solution?" Blame game cannot be a solution.
Be positive. There are many things and areas one can contribute and appreciate.
Form or participate (not in word but in action) in one of Hararies civil society.

Anonymous said...

First say there is no such thing “Hararies civil society” that work free in Harar or elsewhere for that matter. You talk about affocha and garaba jama civil society? Deficiency & incompetency, lack of responsibility and transparency fully applies to the HNL and its failed leadership. Forget negative energy, and endless excuses and protecting HNL criminal gangsters and their greedy supporters. As to the blames, HNL is the sole responsible party for burning harar. I blame them to day and tomorrow till they turn in to ashes. No body but HNL that is taking Hararis to hell. They are the only evil force on power for the last 20 years and destroyed harar in front of your eyes and you refused to see. If you can not see the crimes HNL while your eyes are open then you are what you are, the agent of dark forces. You are the type of the philosopher, no hear, no see, no listen, no talk, no responsible and hindrances, obstacles for change and the guardian of doom. So be it and let your toll hang with corrupt regime of HNL. I have no time for your doomsdays kinds and no mercy, no excuse for HNLites who shamed and betrayed hararis. HNL defenders are people who are abused, tortured, corrupted and bribed. they cover crimes, corruptions and many, many conspiracies against their people. Do you know why those officials who are arrested and their families remain silent? Is it because of the many crimes on their hands? Deflecting the crimes of HNL and accusing the innocent is a huge crime

Anonymous said...

Bad wedada Harar “What is the solution ? let us discuss in future”

Bad wedada Harar, me say the solution is to dismantle and destroy the myth of hararis. Do you know there are some myths developed over the years which arrested the hararis mind, sprit, hand and feet? These myths and what I call the fools fear factor used by hararis to abandon their responsibilities and use them to hide their face from reality and become slave to garaba.

Myth number one, unity:
Unity at any cost even when that cost destroy unity. Unity is important but hararis use unity to silence, stifle, and kill any ideas and opinions. Any opinion and ideas considered danger to hararis and their fake and none existent unity. When was the last time hararis was united? Stop abusing the concept of unity and respect and allow others to freely chart and verse their dreams and thoughts without being told anti unity, enemy and many other bad names. If you do anything blamed right way for destabilizing unity but here is no unity and hararis are the most divided and disunited people. So hell with those faking unity.

Myth number two, minority:
Everything what I said about myth number one applies here too and plus that this and that group can take our country. They already did. You do not to fear that. Minilik, haile reduced hararis to minority and now harari league the new savage masters kicked out the rest of the populations and also as the fashion every harari want to go away to far away places and deserted their country. If you leave your homes for America who you think stand guard for you? The truth, hararis are not wiling to pay or sacrifice a penny to protect, preserve and keep their homeland. The land is you and you are the land. You leave your land for hamburgers land you loose your home land, simple as that. Demography is more powerful than history and deciding factor in the future. So brother Bad wedada Harar, let us populate and claim harar. Must reverse population migrations and desertions. Hararis are deserting their country and as the same time crying minority blabala.

Myth number three, do not touch this brutal government:
If you touch it we lose it. I rather lose than carrying garbage on my back. The mafia individuals use scare full tactic and fear factor to bleed harar and hararis to make it easy for others to snatch it. The harari rulers lead by League almost destroyed harar and made it the jocks of the idiots. Why you me and others babysit the criminal regime that already destroyed it because we fear others are doing the same? The destructions is already done. You fear no fear, because of corruptions and criminality the harari regime can do anything without the permission of opdo. Harar is only by name, its rights and power is already sold out. The solution is Bad wedada Harar, to destroy, and replace the bad, the ugly harari league and its leadership from that area what ever the cost is. No ifs no buts.

Organize, organize in fourth and fifths and shake the fears and useless myths and work with EPRDF to ensure the continuations of harar. Brand new organization, bright leadership, brave members are salvations of harar. Hard work and dedications, commitment scarifies and truth shall set you free. Nothing comes free and you, me and all of us willing to pay the cost if we want to keep harar in our hand and our heart.

Anonymous said...

Hararis are a dying breed. There are more Hararis in the United States than in Harar. There are more in Adiss Ababa than in Harar... there are more in Canada than in Harar. Ther are less than 10,000 Hararis in Harar and the majority are the rightful Oromos. The Harari myth is that Hararis are a separate and unique ethnic group. The reality is they are Oromos of Eastern Oromia. Some mixed with the Egyptians and the Turks during the period of the brief occupation as well as Somalis. The fate of Hararis is tied to the fate of the Eastern Oromos. It is time for Hararis to recognize the fact and discard their racism and join with the Oromos to preserve their heritage and culture. Religion and the myth as an exclusive ethnic group will be their demise. Over time, due to the relatively small pool of potential consorts, the gene pool of Hararis is progressively growing smaller, until all Hararis are now related, often to their consorts as well. in order to maintain the myth of purity of bloodlines by controlling the women under the guise of religion.