Malasyachlink condemns, denounces and rejects acts of terrorism against the people of Ethiopia
Condemn, denounce and reject the destructions of vital infrastructures and act of terrorism
It is becoming clear that the oppositions are declaring war against the interests of the people of Ethiopia . They are openly and directly saying they are attacking important and vital infrastructures of the country. Tinsae and other bandits claimed and are claiming to destroy power, telephone and fiber optic lines and promised to damage other critical and essential public utilities. Damaging public interests and properties is the work of the enemies and precludes those who struggle for democratic change and legitimate causes.
The agents of Eritrean tyrant are mercenaries working to fulfill the objective of the enemy to divert the course of developments and democratic progress of Ethiopia . Anyone and any force sabotaging against the interests of our country and destroying public properties, utilities and infrastructures is nothing but the enemy. One must condemn, denounce and reject any kind of violence and terrorist activities against our country and people.
Various fringes and failed elements are working directly for the Eritrean tyrants planning to ignite terrorist style violence on this weekend. In collaborations and under direct order of the Eritrean tyrant the misfits and dejected anti Ethiopian elements propagating and inciting violence and terrorism as last act of desperations. All these years they miserably failed to connect with the people of Ethiopia to provide better and alternative choices and leadership.
At the end they chose to wage wars on their people and set to oppose dam building and engaged in destruction and terrorism. G7, ONLF, OLF, EPPF, EPRP, Tinsae and other ragtag elements under the leadership of Eritrean tyrant booked May 28, 2011 to wage wars on the people of Ethiopia . The people of Ethiopia will foil and defeat any terrorist attempts and continue rebuilding the country. For the people of Ethiopia centuries of violence and civil strives left them with abject poverty and any attempt to bring war and instability will be thwarted, defeated, rejected and nipped in the bud. For Ethiopia peaceful change and civil engagements are the only venues to bring social, economic and democratic progress. Reject violence and terrorism and promote civil dialogue and peaceful discourse and engage in developments to improve the lives of our people.
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