Sunday, May 29, 2011

Petition signed by more than 3000 Hararis in Harar to the president and to the prime minster of Ethiopia

Harar is in bad shape and urgent intervention is a must. People are terrorized and their constitutional rights are violated by HNL regimes. As have been reported numerous times before, the organizers of this petition are under constant threats and their lives are in danger. It is incumbent upon the federal government, all peace loving and human rights advocates to assist and come in defense of the people of Hararis.  The lives of many Hararis are in perils. The witnesses, oppositions, petitioners, diasporas and their families are openly and viciously attacked, threatened and forced to flee the regions. The HNL criminal regime is determined to do maximum damages to the Hararis before its final departure.

To date, the HNL regime is refused to accept or respond to the conference calls and evading and trying very hard to cover its numerous crimes. The all inclusive conference is the step in the right direction and stakeholders and concerned parties need to pressure and force the HNL leaders to accept the call or must impeached and indict by federal court for betraying and violating the constitutional rights given to the people of Hararis.  The zeal and the commitment of the leadership and active roles of Hararis to seek justice and assert the rights of Hararis will shape the out come and the future directions of the Harari regional state.

Hararis should avoid any pitfalls and complacencies and take full responsibility and resolve their regional problems decisively. The leaderships from the oppositions must come forward and step to the podiums and provide critical guide and directions to disaffected, alienated and leaderless people. The leaderships of the oppositions must unite and need to do more and dedicate their resources and energies to salvage their destitute people. Infighting and bickering, wasting crucial minutes in nonsense and waiting for events to shape it self is unacceptable. Hararis are calling for real and practical fearless leaderships. If today they cannot rescue their people there is no need to their existence whatsoever. In turn, the people must support and empower the leaderships of the oppositions to speak for the Hararis. Its grave and crises times and calls for strong and decisive leadership and fully focused and determined people willing to chart its destiny.     

May 29, 2011

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