UP DATE NEWS FROM HARAR: Update By >>> Harari Democratic Stars in co-operation with Baharshiekh Movement
Harari regional state had bought four 4whele drive (COBRA) Lauxalery land crossers with 2,500 000 (two million five hundred thousand birr each) b y totally spendining 10, 000,000 (ten million birr).Of the four vehicles the first one is given to Mr.Ragassa to keep his mouth on the spot and the second one is given to the incumbent Harari police commissioner as reward to his weakness. The two are waiting for the decision of top leader ship. Remember when ever such purchases are happened without doubt some of about 200,000 thousand is always plundered by the respective buyers. If one may compare this with the amount of money needed to implement harari language as official working language in accordance to Harari constitution less than 50,000 is enough. So look how much the present few bull dictators are playing with the fate of Hararies identity. On the eve of election they promise, when visit Harari Diaspora they promise, whenever there is gathering they promise. Practically they always look after the interest of their hidden boss (rent seekers) and enriching them self’s, where as the majority of Hararies are strongly suffering from sky rocking food prices and their un just administration.
Many highly experienced Harari professionals are systematically paralyzed While the greater share of decision making positions are re-captured by WPE old regime criminal members who fought Harari people to leave their country with old Derg regime, Masters Degree holders and innocent and experienced Harari professionals are becoming paralyzed. Some of precious educated Hararies paralyzed by HNL are the following.
1. Abduselam Abdosh (Masters degree with very wide and rich experience. He was head of investment regional office)
2. Abdumalik Ahmed (Masters in urban management—no position is given after graduation)
3. Abdulwase Seraj (masters in architecture and urban planning no position is given.)
4. Abdulkerim imran (masters in economics no position is given)
5. Abdulwasi Zeqeh (was vice head of capacity building but now simply setting)
6. Muhyedin Ali (senior economist from Diasporas)
7. Alia Ahmed Abramo (Masters degree in agricultural economist)
8. Dir Bedri jebril (PHD from japan)
9. Hanim Yusuf sheikh ( PHD in anthropology)
10. Abdul hamid Gerado [masters in political science now he took refuge in Jejega University together with some other ten Harari PHD and masters graduates who had learned from the budget of Harari regions Share.
11.Fuad Abdulhamid (the frist harari to hold master in low from harari state budget., was forcefully pushed away from harari region and now serving as department head of Deridawa University and serving as president of higer federal court.
12. Semir Abuse med (masters holder still position is not gioven)
13. Abdul hafiz Mohammed Masters in matimatical science position not given
14. Abass abubeker Masters in in engering field from austeralia (not given any job)
15, Ali Kenewaq very very genius mind of all fied paralysed by HNL
16. Imag Bule Masters In Linguistics (was manager to harari language.acadamy paralised ousted from the region}
17. Mohamed Semod [genius creative mind with all Knowledge mastery fields paralyzed by HNL)
18. Abdurrahman Ahmed Sherif (chief engineer paralyzed by HNL)
19. Major Negib (paralyzed by HNL mismanagement)
20. Abudul hakim Son of kebir usmel PHD from china no position is given
21. Mohmed Aubeker Shash no posion is given in finance Bureau
22. Abdulfateh Ahmed ( No posion is given though he has more than 20 years of experience and BA in the field)
23. Fethi Kamil {Masters in social studies paralised by jealousy of HNL}
NOTE * dear readers we do have more than 300 such lists if we conceder all B.A and Bsc. Holders who are paralysed by the deliberate mischief of HNL. Remember Harari state loses more than a quarter of a million birr to train a single experts in the masters degree and up to half million in PHD., in the forms of it’s share from national sum. let me rise one key point losing once Owen trained man power for fear of lose of authority can’t be considered as great corruption .
Next time we shall try to bring you hundreds of dollars extravagantly bankrupted by our bull and dull jealous leaders, including chairman and vice chairman of HNL,in the name of learning Masters degree from England costly university. A fringe benefit that even the England Royal family members never dare to contemplate. How ruthless heads do we have.
The case of Hashim
As everybody knows Hashim was not a member of HNL, Rather he was the legal chairperson of HPDP. But the poisons HNL leaders snached it by the grave yard false elephant’s tear to cool down the anger of the people. The crime of killers of Hashim is the act of terror. Therefore, it is under the investigation of federal police. One of the greatest of great shame for harari state is that the man with great authority, the regions general attorney had pinpointed red handed while participating ,advising, co-operating and implementing the terror activities of the killers of Hashim. His name is Munir Feqi (brother of Ayub Feqi vice B .head of culture, truism, and heritage bureau *remember Murad has collected criminals from all Garbages).His (i.e Munir)’s bureau has already given him announcement of warning for two rounds. Some people says that he had already fled to Keneya, though the source of such information is not reliable. Another spoiled tutelage of the criminals is Meftuh (son of SAMU NUGUS known Red terror criminal of Derg regime and chairperson of Kebele 01) He has involved in the crime, as everybody knows his role, he disappeared for the time being. Still his bureau’s vice head Mr. Salahadin does not say anything officially about him, even no announcement call is made as he does to Munior Feqi. According some informal sources, we heard that Meftuh had sent medical certificate to his bureau so as not to lose his monthly salary. The other key point that we discovered is that still both suspected criminals are taking their monthly salary ,though the regulations doesn’t allowed them to do so for suspected criminals. Here one may not worry for the money but the dangerous of all is that Salahdin is strongly suspected that he may execute the corrupt telephone order of HNL as he is mostly close friend to rent seekers practice ever since he was at school.
Other suspected and imprisoned security members of Harari justice bureau and police members are still under the control of federal anti terror force. Major Atham, Attorney Atham, And Hamza,the lowyer who is head of justice work follow ,in the security and justice regional bureau of harari region .How HNL led regime is on the verge of disintegration.
The justice final of Hashim seems to take some more time for the complex nature of the crime and wide involvement of the moribund HNL regime .Do you have any doubt on this. We shall continue unless we might be kidnapped for short time by HNL bulls. Our struggle never stops until HNL regime kissed a dust.
Update By >>> Harari Democratic Stars in co-operation with Baharshiekh Movement
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