Federation betrayed the will of the people and awarded 2012 Game for HNL: Federation surrendered and HNL agents declared absolute victory
After serious of maneuvering, cheating, sabotaging and usual conspiracy and manipulations, some Federation members working on behave of savage HNL successfully claimed 2012 July festival for HNL rulers. It is huge victory and moral boost for HNL gangsters and encouragement to continue the repressions and abuses against Hararis. The Federation members who decided for HNL are rewarding fascistic rules that destroyed the souls and foundation of Hararis.
If truth must be told, the only reason HNL on power for all these years is because of recklessness, carelessness, selfishness and total lack of sympathy, solidarity and humanity displayed among Hararis. Those who know the truth are not willing to share and tell openly and go to extreme to hide it and allow the suffering to continue unabated. The main causes of the suffering of our people are related to HNL agents and supporters that infiltrated and hijacked civic and community associations. What is reflected and happened in Federation is a case in point where the will of the people overturned and hijacked by few selfish and opportunistic diehard HNL agents. HNL and its agents have no respect for the will and interests of the people. To day the overwhelming Harari Diasporas rejects and opposes HNL and rewarding 2012 event for repressive and fascist rulers. But that fact means nothing for greedy HNL agents and subversives.
All along HNL subversives agents tried to buy time by postponing the decisions, reactivating hibernating and sleeper agents and removing neutralizing and excluding pro justice forces. Shamefully and cowardly and comically Federation decided to beg HNL if it is still willing to host the event before awarding the 2012 event to HNL. The Federation collectively agreed that only HNL can decide where the event take place and that is one of the most egregious and deceitful act. It is the Federation supposes to have power to change, decide and award the place and not HNL. Federation is representing the Diasporas and never HNL and now becomes the agent of HNL repressive tools. Bye, bye Federation and hello HNL. Here, the failure is massive, deliberate, well planned and can bring incalculable damages to the Harari cause and destroy the working relations of Diasporas.
These facts of treachery, betrayal and tragedies are testaments to abysmal failure and decaying of Harari society. Its children are conspiring, defecting, deserting and abandoning and damaging the just causes more than any other adversaries. Hararis are hurting Hararis. Some people are easily bought and sold by money and little alums and others are blinded by relative and blood relations and friendship to entrench the fascistic rules. It is huge setback and betrayal and treachery are holding firm roots in Harari society and that is bad karma. The decision of the Federation is deplorable and crime against the people and Harari Diasporas. The future of the Federation will be determined among many other outstanding grievances and unresolved issues piled in our community. HNL and its greedy selfish agents are good in creating problems but never cared or able to resolve anything. In nutshell, HNL is created a society willing to self destruct and suicidal society.
Finaly, the diaspora understands what kind of Octopus HNL is. It's tanticles reach even the north american diaspora. Be aware of it's poison, dear brothers and sisters in diaspora
My understanding is: Going to the 2012 festival to Harar means supporting HNL doing what it can do best, and that is suppresing and corrupting it's people. We all remember why we boycoted South Africa? Yes, because we did not want to support Aparthaid system. So, brother and sisters, u could do it for your colored brothers and sisters in South Africa. Why can't you do it for blood and flesh? YES, WE CAN. Period.
Why federation cannot issue news briefs and statements explaining what went on and decided in the meeting? Why secrecy and work like hnl mafia style. You know what, it is not that complicated unless other motives and interests of hnl are forcing federation to shy away from the people they represent. Form hnl down to afocha level accountability and transparency is gone haywire. Secretes, more secrets and backroom dealings, conspiracies, betrayals, spying and hiding things became cultures and that created other problems on the top of many other problems. Federation come and tell people what you decided on the meeting, please.
Dear brothers and sisters me and my family today we dicided to boycout the 2012 event in Harar . we will not go insha Allah . Qarqaram lakam nilumena
Dear brothers and sisters, first and formost its is absolutley misleading to comment that the "vast majority of diaspora rejects HNL" Infact the vast majority of Disapora supports whoever is in power in Harar. Seondly, the vast majority of disapora will attend the 2012 event in Harar Inshallah. we will be in Harar inJuly 2012. YES
As'salamu alaykum:
Dear Malasayachlink, how do you know what the 'will of the people' is? Your website is full of rumors and inaccurate information. I tell you one thing... whoever you are ... I am a Harari and you definitely do not speak for me. People can support HNL or any other party they wish. Your effort to paint HNL supporters as some sort of criminals shows you political maturity or lack thereof.
Mohammed Al-Harari
Whatever GIGO blog or other mischiefs try to confuse gullible, we the majority of Hararies are determined to be in Harar for 2012 July event not for love of Federation or HNL but our strong & undying attachment to our ABADIR home land.
We are ready to be with our families in Harar whenever possible and we will not be deterred from silly and hate filled innuendos.
Salam Al-Harari, rest assured no one speaks for you and you are free to support HNL and can keep your accurate information as usual hidden and secret. “rumors and inaccurate” fine tell us what is not rumors and accurate. You dare. Assume again you are correct and know the “will of the people” please tell us what the will of the people is. HNL is all knowing, perfect party who knows the will of the people and has accurate information. HNL is a criminal and mafia party and its supporters are the same. To date not a single HNL member and supporter come out and able to criticizes and restrain abusive rules. Those who deny justice to their people and corrupt are nothing but criminals. For those who want to go and have fun with HNL in Harar be yourself and you are free to play with Murad and Ragassa as usual at the expense of your poor suffering people. Please do not be deterred and wish you happy time with HNL criminals.
Aslamu Alaikum,
Expressing opposing views are one thing, but using rarely used words (Mafia, Barbaric, Mediaeval Criminals, Gestapo, Kill People at Will, and so forth) against your fellow hararis, harari community, or HNL is not a wise thing to do.
I have read almost all of your recent articles, especially after the killing of Shaheed Hashim Idris. Your tone is way out of line. It looks like nothing is good enough for you. Please mix it up with some positive articles.
Please be constructive and try to give credits where it is due. And also, do not hesitate to critique the HNL or the harari regional state objectively and convincingly.
After reading carefully almost all of your recent articles, I felt like I was watching Fox News (Glen Beck, Sean Hanity, Bill Oriely) and listening to right wing radio talk show (Rush Limbaugh) with a constant ranting against President Obama regardless of what he does good or bad.
This is a brotherly advice from a fellow harari brother.
Dear “It looks like nothing is good enough for you” do you know what is good enough for me? The people of Hararis are free from hnl barbarism. To declare “It looks like nothing is good enough for you” nothing is good enough as long as fascist hnl rule hararis. Expect nothing good from hnl and nothing will be there if they stay long on power. Have zero expectations from hnl criminals and supporters. What is good enough mean to you? And what is “Your tone is way out of line” you are frightening and threatening like hnl. Hnl always scared and threaten people. Please do not try to scare and abuse people like hnl whose line and whose tone? And what line? Hnl is Mafia, Barbaric, Mediaeval Criminals, Gestapo and let me add they are also backward, merciless, nation and people’s killers and fascists. Prove me wrong, words have practical meaning. “against fellow hararais…” well in my book there are no discriminations among and between oppressors and gangsters. Whether they are fellow hararis, oromos, amharas, English, French matters not. Bad individuals are bad regardless and fellow harari oppressors, gangsters and fascists such as hnl earn the title because of their evil deeds. If they are bad they are bad and you try to critique and see where it takes you, no where, they are mean and worst creatures. They do not want to account for nothing and destroying the people of hararis. I do not know why you cover their crimes and protect such kinds of evil persons. No one critique hnl as it is beyond any kind of critique and redemptions. Some bad things like hnl outlive their purpose and the longer they stay the damage is irreversible. Your brotherly advice is well taken and greatly appreciated if you also take time and advice hnl criminals to leave the people alone.
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