Breaking News from Ethiopia : HADID & HPDP Calls for Harari National Regional State Conference
HADID and HPDP’s call for the conference is the most important development that would break the political deadlock of Harari regions. Supporting the call for the conference is the duty and responsibilities of all Hararis in Ethiopia and Diaspora. Please lobby and pressure all concerned parties to agree to the conference in order to bring better solutions and justices for the people. The people of Harari are asking for water, justice and good government for many years and the success of the conference can create suitable grounds to solve the problems and revive the hopes of Hararis. HADID & HPDP have taken bold and courageous steps by calling this conference and every one of us must support and work for its success. Malasayachlink applaud and wholeheartedly give unreserved support for the conference and would like to thank HADID & HPDP for taking this important initiative. At this juncture our people demands and asks for solutions and this conference is a step in the right directions.
From Surat :
This is indeed the right time to call for this type conference to bring all stakeholders together to sit under one roof to deliberate on matters that need urgent attention. I would like to thank both HADDID and HPDP in their effort bring to our attention the need for this timely action to dig deeper and search for real solutions.
Since the death of martyr Hashim Idris, HNL was running around like a mad dog to get some relief from the fallout from this egregious incident, but to no avail; the more it tried to extricate itself from this sad incident, the more it is burying itself in the quagmire it has brought upon itself. Almost all Hararis with conscience and with any degree of respect finally came about to understand the real nature of HNL and are demanding the resignation of the leaders who happen to represent the worst of our Harari characters. I hope this conference will see the daylight and find a real and lasting solution by cutting the cancer that was speaking in our name for almost two decades.
Every Harari should heed the call made by these two opposition parties to bring all Hararis and non-Hararis in a forum and spare no one to bring justice to the death of Gessi Hashim Idris and lay the foundation for a truly representative Harari regional state. I, on my part, will make every effort to bring this into fruition and I call upon every Harari to do the same to save Harar from the enemy within in order to restore and rebuild its history, revive its beautiful culture and make it a better place for its children.
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