The crises and confusions in Harari Regional state:
Ragassa, Murad, Yassin, HNL, OPDO and Dallas
Malasayachlink Note:
The atrocities going in Harari region should not be allowed to continue and must be stopped. HNL must stop dividing, attacking and freighting innocent and peace loving and Hararis who love their country. HNL and its agents must stop injecting ethnics, religious and other divisive issues to terrorize, manipulate and aggravate the sentiments of the people. The problem of Ragasa is created and fabricated by HNL and they are responsible for it and no one else. Whether Ragasa is Harari, Oromo, HNL, OPDO Muslim, or Christian that is never been the issue. The problem is Ragasa and HNL are playing ugly and divisive games against the interests of Hararis and that is unacceptable. They used Ragasa to intimidate humiliates and subject and force the Hararis to bow their heads down. HNL is a wicked and devilish agent bent to destroy the interests of Hararis. Hararis should never succumb to endless conspiracies and deceits to tie their hands, shut their mouth and darken their souls. Some HNL agents and low lives using Ragassa issue to play with the emotions of the Hararis and please do not listen to their fear mongering. The Dallas community did make the right decisions to reject Ragassa and the dirty ploy of HNL. Stay away from Ragassa and HNL mercenaries. Please watch out those agents who are trying to force federation representatives to meet with Ragassa. Still some HNL agents working overdrive and continue to hatch their devil deeds to divide and split the community. Particularly, HNL agents are after the 2012 July celebration to be conducted in Harar and the community and federation people must reject that. Unless there are significant governing changes, Diaspora Hararis must reject to celebrate the event under the oppressive and mafia rules of HNL. HNL gangsters definitely will arrest and intimidate participants and create mayhems as already do to our miskin people. If you go to Harar, you have no right to say any thing and would be jailed or expelled in seconds. Harar is Karshelle and big ugly prison. No one should trust HNL and better to keep the 2012 event in North America for the time being. Reject HNL and keep fighting for truth, justice and good government. What is going in Harari region is unacceptable and revolting and Hararis must start voicing their concern to stop HNL from totally destroying the whole region. No one can take Harar from the rightful owners no matter what some distracters say or do. Harar belong to indigenous Hararis where other ethnic groups lives side by side in peace and respect.
Written by Shukria Sharif
The crises and confusions in Harari Regional state:
Ragassa, Murad, Yassin, HNL, OPDO and Dallas
Why Murad failed to come to Dallas ?
Who send Mr. Ragassa to Dallas ?
If HNL said did not send anyone why Mr. Ragassa come to Dallas ?
Whom Mr. Ragassa representing?
Does Mr. Ragassa represent himself, OPDO, HNL or Harari government?
How come vice president of Harari state departs to another country without agreement of the government?
Where is Yassin Hussein Sheriff? Is he in Dallas or Ethiopia ? Why Dallas community told he is coming?
The July 4, 2011 HNL statement is signed by Yassin Hussein Sheriff and if that is true he must be in Harar and how on earth he could be in Dallas at the same time? Can HNL member can be in two places at once?
Can anyone in Ethiopia or Dallas produce physically Yassin Hussein Sheriff?
These are some of legitimate questions looking for answers on the land of HNL deceptions.
For many years the crises and problems in Harari regional state is boiling and finally erupted when Hashim Idris assassinated cowardly, openly and savagely in public. Thereafter, the crises and problems are escalating and hopelessness and despair is taking strong and firm hold on the regions. Blunt disregard for human and civil rights violations are widely practiced and defenseless people are experiencing large scale abuses and repressions. The ruling parties of the region, HNL failed the people and arrogantly refused to account and respond to the dire concerns.
In fact, most Hararis became frightened and their hopes dashed when Nabil Mahdi, the secretary of the ruling party aggressively and with utmost animosity defamed and accused the oppositions as terrorists and rejected peace gestures and reconciliations on the Ethiopian civility Paltalk room in front of record audiences. The statement of Nabil in civility room sealed the fate of Hararis for the worst. What ever hope remained evaporated and gone with the wind. The Harari regime fixated with covering corruptions, hiding the truth and injustice and adopted hostile stance against the people.
Defaming, humiliating, disrespect and arrogance are characteristics of the ruling families in Harar. True to their names, the Harari rulers, HNL conspired to breakup and divide the Harari Diasporas. From no where the vice president of the Harari regime Mr. Ragassa showed up in Dallas for annual Summer July festivals. July 4, 2011 become another infamous calendar day in the saga of Harari struggle. Yes, on July 4, 2011 Mr. Ragassa without any notice, warning and breaking all the rules and protocols called Dallas community center to receive him. The strange story also includes Fahmi Mawi, the former U.S Ethiopian embassy consoler that called Dallas community to receive Mr. Ragassa. Dallas organizers are stunned and dumfounded and at the end chaos gave to reason and the community decided not to receive Mr. Ragassa and issued public statement to that effect. “On 7/3/2011 Mr. Ragasa called the Harari Community of Dallas from his Dallas hotel room and told us that he has arrived for the festival…It is a regrettable moment to all our community members…Based on the further interest of our community members, the leadership at Harari Community Center decided not to accept the delegates.”
The Dallas community sent invitations to Harari rulers six month ago and the regime ignored and refused to respond to their request. However, upon some inquiry the Dallas community wrote “We were told that Yasin Husen and one more person might be arriving… NHL didn’t say a word about Mr. Ragasa’s departure to Dallas . There is a large communication issue with NHL.” It is not really a communication issue but shire arrogance backward and uncivilized behaviors of the Harari rulers. They deliberately created unnecessary crises, divisions and conflicts to embarrass and defame the community and the Harari Diasporas at large. Despicable and shameless rulers dared and confronted the Harari Diasporas and failed very badly. But what is disconcerting, concerning and matters most remain the constitutional crises triggered by this event.
The same day Mr. Ragassa arrived, HNL issued statement signed by Yassin Hussein Sheriff (an individual no one knows where he is, Dallas or Harar) alleging because of some other commitments no delegate could be sent to the festival. In other words HNL is saying it did not send Mr. Ragassa to the festival and refused to acknowledge the status and the presence of the vice president inDallas. Latter on, in Amashna Paltalk room the Harari regime Diaspora and communication officer representative Mr. Mohammed Shash reprimand and condemned the audience by telling them it is none of their business where and what Mr. Ragassa doing in Dallas. At the same time he told the audiences that Mr. Ragassa is not representing Harari regime or anyone and categorically rejected and dismissed the concerns of Diasporas. The question is who Mr. Ragassa the vice president of the Harari regional government is representing? How possible for the leader of a government depart to a foreign land without the consent of the government? Why Mr. Ragassa claiming to represent the government and come for festival? Most of all why HNL disown Mr. Ragassa and distances itself? What caused the rift between the vice president and the rest of HNL or how one reconciles the discrepancies between Mr. Ragassa and rest of HNL ruling class and the Dallas community? Constitutionally speaking what is the implications when the executives of the government denounce each other and interfere unlawfully in Diaspora matters?
Who knows what, when, where and why did Mr. Ragassa come to Dallas by himself and what happen to the second person accompanying him as first reported? When Mr. Ragassa came he claimed there is another person with him and subsequently denied that fact, why? Was that person is Yassin Hussein Sheriff or someone else? Can any one account for Mr. Yassin Hussein Sheriff where about? What about the federal government? Does HNL or OPDO informed the departure of Mr. Ragassa or do they know the where about of him or just learned from the press? The same can be asked about president Murad. What was his role and did he tried to come to Dallas with Mr. Ragassa and only forced to return from airport as some reports alleged? Some one knows it all and must come forward and tell the true story before HNL conspirators shift the gears and cover it like many other deadly stories. Harari regional state is going through painful and tragic crises unlike any regions and crying for help for a long time. The Dallas tragic episode clearly demonstrates the complete breakdowns of law and order and the arrogance nature of the Harari regimes.
After abusing, disrespecting and humiliating the Harari Diasporas, HNL statement arrogantly demand 2012 July Summer festival to be held in the city of Harar . They failed to understand that, the decision of 2012 location is decided by the same Diaspora Hararis HNL rulers are hammering, dividing and trying to destroy. The present deadly and poisonous political conditions and bitter social environment in Harar make holding 2012 festival very impossible and daunting task. Festival and celebrations require peaceful, respectable, conducive and good governing environment which the Harari region lacks since its inceptions. It is deeply frightening and scary prospect to deal with the kind of unfriendly regimes like HNL and there is no guarantee what do they do to their innocent people and Diasporas coming for festivals. Their intolerance behaviors and cruel natures surely lead to deadly and violent conflicts and one should avoid dealing and hosting such kind of peaceful and joys celebrations away from inhospitable environment. As long as HNL continues its belligerent, callous, corruptive, divisive and repressive nature, Harar will remain the ghost city devoid of joy and celebrations.
Once again, the carless nature of Harari regime is causing embarrassment and hurting the image of the federation and denying the right of the people. At the same time it is also tarnishing and defaming the good name of EPRDF and OPDO. Considering the damage HNL causing it is becoming the liability to all partners and regions and should be investigated thoroughly. EPRDF and OPDO should take corrective measures and investigate their members’ undue relations with corruptive HNL. It is sad HNL misdeeds and crimes also connected with the good names of EPRDF and OPDO. The people of Harari request help from EPRDF and OPDO urgently as the only recourse and capable authority.
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