Thursday, July 21, 2011

EPRDF SF Canada released a statement in response to defamations and divisive allegations lodged by Harari organizations of HCC and HCCO. The original defamation letter from Harari groups also attached as a reference. Source

Notes from Malasayachlink:

HHC and HCCO leaders are those kinds of individuals from dark ages. According to rumors those individuals belong to notorious HNL affiliated garaba group called arba nure. They are agents for HNL and their main job is insulting, labeling, defaming and harassing other Hararis.  Arba nure garaba addicts are uncivilized, backward, illiterates, disrespectful and militias without uniform and training.  They do whatever told by HNL deadbeats and have no brains and merci to their people. Overly selfish and greedy elements never cared for their suffering people and propagate dirty HNL propaganda without having any understanding. This letter shows that reality. Mr. Abdurahim was angry for not invited to a dinner and tried to manipulate their ethnic loyalty. The fools jump on the ship and directly fallen in the mouth of hungry shark.  EPRDF-SF Canada diplomatically and in civility said who invited to a dinner is none of your business and refused to apologies. What do you do now? The correct and easy step is you apologies, fix your ways seek advice from professionals, respect your people, resign if you dare, stop insulting and defaming people and focus on serious issues as EPRDF-SF Canada requested.  Stop from being HNL agent and represent the people who elected you.

Surat wrote some emails related with these matters and deserved to be posted as a reference:

A Farewell Party for Mr. Fahmi Mawi
 Mr. Fahmi Mawi was working at the Ethiopian Embassy for more than five years and I learned that he finished his tour a couple of weeks ago and I am not exactly sure what his next assignment is.  In fact, I am not sure in what capacity he was working at the embassy to begin with, whether he was officially working for the foreign ministry or if he was assigned by the HNL on its behalf. If his assignment was due to his connections with HNL, well, like all his comrades in HNL, I give him a failing grade for ill-serving the interests of the Harari people. To sum up the impact of his service on the Harari community, it would have been much better if he did not show up in the first place at all.
If it was not for the seriousness of the matter, here is the funny and sad part of his farewell. A group of his friends gathered and said good-by to their fellow comrade and raised a sum of seven thousand dollars and gave him as a farewell present. Talk about clueless Hararis. People in Harar are crying day and night for help for everything and here we have a bunch of Hararis with nothing better to do than rewarding Mr. Mawi for not properly doing his job. This is the ultimate in common sense bankruptcy. Well, to top it all, I hear a rumor, and this is just a rumor, that Mr. Mawi is preparing to ask for asylum either in America and Canada. If the rumor has any credibility, the joke was twice on the people who dug deep their pocket to show their merry side to their fellow buddy.
I have only one advice to the clueless Hararis who showed their generous nature to our brother. The month of Ramadan is just approaching and there are needy people, Hararis as well as other Muslims, who could have used that money wisely. In addition to money well spent with its reward waiting in the hereafter, the satisfaction of helping a fellow human being transcends all other. My clueless brothers and sisters, if you can still spare some change after your boundless generosity to our brother, please dig a little dipper and give. And cover your shame.
 I wish everyone a meaningful month of Ramadan.



What a Total Waste of Resource
I heard that the two overseas Harari representatives Mr. Fahmi Mawi in the US and Mr. Abdurahim in Canada have said farewell to their friends and are awaiting another assignment. Both these reps came more than five and half years ago to their assigned cities and if they truly ask themselves what they have accomplished in that period of time, I am sure that the answer will not only disappoint the people whom they were supposed to serve, but more than anything, it is also a disappoint to themselves as well.  
It is taken for granted that these two individuals were sent to serve the interests of Hararis in North America but I am not quite sure what their exact mission and the role they played was all about.  Since they were working in the Embassy, one has to assume that they are part of the Foreign Ministry, but when one closely examines their duties, it turns out that they are just political appointees of the ruling party to perform a particular task, that is to mobilize particular ethnic groups to the cause of the EPRDF. These two individuals were selected from the Harari ethnic group and there were other appointees from other ethnic groups as well for a similar mission. But if we examine the performance of these two Hararis, it is clear that it is the exact mirror image of what HNL has been doing for the two decades back home. “The apple does not fall far from the tree,” as the saying goes. 
Except for the lives of comfort that these two individuals lead, I have yet to hear from any Harari community any valuable service they have rendered in their long stay.  And that is a total waste of resource, particularly in terms of money spent all these years, a resource that would have served the needs of the people who really deserved it. But that would be expecting the unthinkable.  HNL is allergic to the phrase of “serving the people”; it is not in the range of their limited vocabulary. And now we are told that it is time for changing of the guard. Rumor has it that one of the guards that is replacing one of these two individuals is Mr. Yimaj Idris, the most notorious Harari within HNL. In fact, I have heard that people in Harar are jubilant of Mr. Yimaj’s appointment because they finally got rid of him. If the rumor has any substance, well, their loss and relative relief is our problem now.  
As I said earlier, in all these years, I have yet to understand the benefit of these useless appointments. Someone has to tell EPRDF that this is a total waste of money that is badly needed in other areas.



Anonymous said...

EPRDF-SF Canada response is very funny & childish.

Do they understand HCCO & HHC message? NO, absolutely not.


- HCCO & HHC said we are part of EPRDF-SF Canada.

- EPRDF-SF Canada replied, NO you are not.

The meaning of EPRDF-SF response is that we want HCCO, HHC and other's resource but not them.

Not only funny & childish but also crude arrogance.


Anonymous said...

ya, HCCO & HHC are part of EPRDF-SF Canada. WTF. ya, childish, wtf. f@@@ HCCO & HHC & EPRDF-SF Canada, idiots go play watermelon

Anonymous said...

as far as i know our community should never involve in politics they fucked up big time. but eprdf sf canada looks professional of what they do!
the people who wrote the later to eprdf i don't think they can even write their name right.

Anonymous said...

"as far as i know our community should never involve in politics they fucked up big time."
We might not be better but not less than any other human being on this earth in respect of politics. In fact we are in a better position, details another time.

"but eprdf sf canada looks professional of what they do!" In what my dear compatriot? Actually the response from EPRDF SF is the most childish and silliest in all forms and shape. How on earth from entities that shows their loyalty & respect be treated like this? I don't think any respectable organization respond like this for organizations who show solidarity.

"the people who wrote the later to eprdf i don't think they can even write their name right." HCCO & HHC simply had written questioning the exclusion of the departing diplomat in EPRDF SF function. There is nothing wrong expressing displeasure from the exclusion. EPRDF replied saying that EPRDF SF can do anything, be parting/inviting/..., and it's not anybody's business but when it comes to contribution:- "Our people and country are expecting us to help them overcome poverty by directly participating in
economic, political, social and agricultural and industrial developments. Helping to improve water shortages, heath care, educations and infrastructures, good government and dams are topping the agendas. These are the cause and real issues EPRDF-SF Canada would like to focus and calls the Harari community and everyone to work collectively and avoid trivial and unimportant matters behind."

Simple response might have done miracle, but EPDRF-SF lost it due to it's childish & silly response.
