Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Serious concerns and developing stories

The case of Australia

According to some sources, Murad and Nabil are preparing to take their destructive campaigns in the name of GTP to Australia. The Australia trip is a cover and escape routs for the HNL and its leaders to deflect and show their fake loyalty to EPRDF by collecting some money for the Abbay dam. Particularly, Murad is insisting and eager to travel to Australia to make people forget the huge crises that are going in Harari regions. It is imperative and critical to inform and demand the federal government to take corrective stands and remove these people from power before they do irreparable damage to the region. It is imperative to emphasis that the federal government should not send these kinds of abusive and source of divisions to important conferences. Hararis inside and outside the country must call the federal government people not to allow Murad and his criminal gangs to travel to Australia. In addition, it is essential to remind Australian Harari brothers and sisters to reject Murad and demonstrate against his tyrannical rule and corrupt practices.  Murad must be exposed and denied a forum of any kind. Australian Harari brothers and sisters should demand his resignations immediately with his destructive followers. We owe it to martyr Hashim and our miskin people that Murad and his company of wolves must be told to disappear immediately.

Mediation of elders and out off court settlements for the assassination of the martyr Hashim

The other big developing story is that Murad, Nabil and his criminal groups are contacted by killer families and looking to settle the assassinations of martyr Hashim through elders mediation instead of legal courts. According to widely and publicly circulating information some elders are contacted to facilitate and start negotiations to mediate and solve the problem outside the courts. The names of the so called mediating elders will be made public as soon as confirmed by reliable sources. Nevertheless, these types of open talks on public that the HNLies are contacting, organizing and directing elders to undermine and highjack the  constitutional court system of the country is indeed very alarming and unsettling matter for all Ethiopians. This is a high crime and crime against state of Harari and Ethiopia and people must expose and fight any attempt to hide, cover and bury the worst crimes against our society. All along the suspicions was that the killers are directly connected to HNL and OPDO brutal rulers and confident that they easily buyout corrupted and nonexistent judiciary system in Harari regions. The idea of mediation by elders without doubt proofs the HNL rulers and agents are directly controlled by the killers who run many illegal businesses in mafia style all over the country. By rejecting and ditching the legal system, the Harari rulers, bankrupted elites, sellout elders, shadowy agents and some business interests confirms without any doubts their criminal activities and associations and the roles they played over the last twenty years destroying the state of Hararis. It is very obvious for all Hararis that the level and the amount of conspiracies and damages done by their name and the need to stop the madness before it is too late. Whatever the cost is this and other similar cases should be tried under direct jurisdictions of the federal government and Hararis must petition and directly call the various federal agencies and put enormous pressures as much as possible. Most of all we Hararis must unite and demand immediate resignations and the arrest of HNL and OPDO rulers and agents that committed many crimes on our people. All Hararis should remain vigilant and never allow the HNLies to undermine the judiciary system of the country.

HNLies are not even willing to defend martyr Hashim when his name is defamed by Ethio-channel and hostile elements such as Ginbot7 and OLF affiliated website ( In recent edition, Ethio-Chanel went to the extreme length to prove the martyr was at fault and an aggressor. The Chanel has taken sides and deliberately tried to discredit the article published by the Reporter and the police officer. The Chanel found the right witnesses, police officers and business partners to make the martyr guilty and the accused innocent and their actions were pure self defense.  It seems the killers proved that indeed they are mafias and paid a huge sum to Ethio-Channel to fabricate stories such as this and silence the police officers to distance themselves from original article from Reporter. Did you see how the Chanel played intimidation and fear factor to clear the name of the killers? Theses kind of shames and atrocities can only happen in weird world of HNLies.  HNLies come out from your rat halls and defend your ugly system. Oh Harar cry!

Smear campaigns directed against democratic and opposition Hararis 
There are some disturbing developing stories you need to know. These stories are concerning and affecting and determinant to the interests of Hararis and is damaging to the justices campaign for Hashim Idris and overall reform of Harari regimes.  The dictatorial HNLies regime lead by Murad Abdulhadi and Nabil Mehadi are conducting and organizing group of individuals to defame, silence and destroy pro justices Hararis. The mafia group which is lead by the president and the house speaker includes Mohammed Shash, Shukria Alam, Mahdi Gadid and advisors of the regimes. The names of advisors and other inner circle members of the regime and shadowy individuals will be public very soon. In addition, there are selfish and brutal business elites, who direct, manipulate and control the Harari affairs by remote control from Addis as they wish. Efforts are underway to gather and collect credible information and facts and will be presented to the public very soon on these disgusting business people. The cooperation of the public to forward and provide any relevant information about these corrupted business people is highly appreciated. The Addis and other business elites will be exposed and profiled unless they stop their collaboration with this backward regime immediately.

The Harari regime and their agents are trying to cover up, deny and deflect dangerous problems boiling in Harar as much as possible. One of their cheap methods is to attack, label and defame the name of democratic and nationalist Hararis. Murad Abdulhadi and Nabil Mehdi blamed and issued stern warning against the oppositions and diaspora Hararis. All the statements, from HNLies propaganda media since the assassination of martyr Hashim is focused to find scapegoats and target of blames to dump the problems on imaginary enemies instead of bravely taking full responsibility and hand over power to other respected and capable Hararis. Murad wasted no time when he directed his accusations and blamed the oppositions and Harari diasporas for all the problems of the regions. He warns and threatened the oppositions and the Harari diasporas on the major fund raising event organized for martyr Hashim.  It is appalling and disgusting for Murad hijacking and tarnishing the event to score and settle his dirty political points to scare and intimidate the populations. On the April 29 Harari TV broadcast while all Hararis and others gathered for the honor of the martyr, the foolish leader of HNLies, Murad tried his worst to deflect and spoil the event angering everyone. People gathered for fund raising for martyr and Murad is talking about Abbay and terrorizing and issuing all kinds of warning to the population.

To reinforce the terror propaganda of mindless HNL leader, his henchman and gestapo like character Nabil Mehadi did issue the same kind of terrorizing and warning statements in recent issue of Serkema 26. Nabil wrote that “He has died in while he strive to fulfill the objective of HNL…, finally as there are some forces who want to use our pity as opportunity both here and abroad to realize there ill goal every members of our society must be aware of it" First of all martyr Hashim worked for the constitutionally recognized Harari government and not for HNL party. There are differences between the party and government. He was not HNL employee but Harari government.  The point of baseless propaganda “some forces…here and abroad” become common themes and HNLies is fabricating and creating imaginary forces to blame, frighten and terrorize the populations. I think the Hararis need to know who are these or those “some forces…here and abroad” responsible for all these mess and the killing? Oppressed people have every right to oppose the tyrant regimes and demand justices. You better take responsibility and resign without prolonging the agony and inflicting permanent damages to the whole community. The warning to HNL members, high level advisors, beneficiaries, various stupid spies and agents that your crimes are catching up with you and time is running very fast.  Shortly people will serve you with summons of justice to account for your crimes and destructions on the Hararis for the last twenty years. There is no where to run and hide and be assured the truth will come out in to the open and you will be paraded on the stage of justices like criminal regimes of Haile Selase and fascist derg. So, please Murad and Nabil and other stooges it is impossible to fight with grieved and oppressed people and stop your madness right away. 

Murad, Nabil and all of HNL members and supporters must need to know that the killers who are under custody are your friends and have no associations with the oppositions and Harari diasporas. As the matter of fact, there are no oppositions as they are kicked out from Harari regions long time ago.  The water problems, lack of justices, out of control corruptions and total collapse of rules of laws and the most backward governance have nothing to do with the nonexistent oppositions and the dormant and completely silent Harari diasporas. HNL and OPDO are the only parties that are controlling power since day one of the inceptions of Harari regional state. To date no other party or parties known to the regions come close to power or have parliamentary seats. Blind HNL rulers, unconstitutionally divided the seat of the parliament with OPDO to freeze out any other legitimate political parties from the scene of Harari politics. HNLies and only HNLies alone are responsible for the failures and the demise of the regions. HNL’s negative showing and demise reflects its incapacity, greed, waste, selfishness, backwardness, and foolishness that made Harari region the laughingstocks of everyone. HNL rule is more of childish game devoid of patriotism, quality of statesmanship and leadership. It has no visions and hopeless group that brought Hararis immense suffering and shame. HNL is disgrace and represent the worst of everything Hararis never should be.

HNLies, your deeds of the last twenty years speak volumes, and your present engagement in smear campaigns in side and outside the country shows your bad character. You destroyed the popular justice committee that was set up by pro justice group and went to make your own to deceive the populations inside and out side the country. From time to time you send paltalk agents from the new committees from Harar (geybe) to distract, divide, falsify and disseminate your twisted and fabricated lies. These paltakers coming from Ethiopia are coordinating their attacks and trying desperately to dump cold waters on real issues and divert concerns most Hararis rising about this failed government. HNLies also instruct elements who work for the government of Ethiopia as embassy staffs known as, Fahmi Mawi and Abdurahim Malak to coordinate and direct the dirty work of the oppressive Harari regimes. The HNL members of the embassy workers from day one of they arrival to North America used as spies and bad elements to divide, poison and create disagreements and split the Harari diaspora communities. They function more of as HNL spies and informants than employee of the federal government that serves Ethiopian citizens with respect and dignity. They take orders, hold secret meetings and target individuals and associations to attack and be attacked by dirty and drunken individuals.

They recruited deadbeat persons like ABDULGHANI JAMAA GULED known as diamond digger in the paltalk rooms, and similar outcasts and street gangsters, vagabond, refuse and godforsaken types to insult, silence and defame the good name of respected Hararis. There are creditable reports that Fahmi Mawi is coordinating aggressions and   attacks with diamond digger via Murad, Nabil Mohammed, Shukria and Mahdi to declare war against Harari members of diasporas. There are evidences and facts that many good Hararis are threatened and insulted by email and paltalk chat rooms.  In fact, many members of Harari diasporas told they will lose their properties and legitimate business interests if they continue to oppose the HNL regimes. Harari Mass Media, some email groups and paltalk rooms run by the likes of dejected loser diamond digger are running derg style wholesale campaigns of intimidations, terror and threat to humiliate, silence and forcefully support the brutal regime of HNL.

ABDULGHANI JAMAA GULED or diamond digger in collaboration with embassy employee Fahmi Mawi requesting action plans and directions to conduct the hate and smear campaigns from Murad, Nabil, Mohammed Shash, Shukria Alam, Mahdi Gadid. This is a regular practice of Murad and his henchmen to pick and selectively demonize any Hararis expressing legitimate concerns about rights, corruptions and good governance. They call their mad dogs ABDULGHANI JAMAA GULED or diamond digger and other shadowy individuals to attack and defame democratic Hararis in diasporas publicly and mercilessly.  Now the time comes to end these kinds and types of vicious attacks from NHL tyrants from inside and outside the country. It is time to fight back and fight back hard and assert rights fearlessly and destroy the hates of darkness and deceit.

Hararis must seriously consider and implement the following steps to defeat these irresponsible, corrupted, failed leaders, members and supporters of HNL. You must protect your rights.

1.      Call Ethiopian government ministries and embassies and register your grievances, concerns and complaints against HNL leaders, members and supporters and lack of total justices in Harari regions. Expose embassy employees who are doing worst crimes against innocent citizens. Call the following numbers to register your problems against HNL. In Ethiopia for Ministry of Foreign Affairs telephone 011-551-7345, fax 011-551-4300 and email . In America call Ethiopian embassy at 202-364-1200 or 202-986-3500 and In Canada 416-482-6637. For other locations simply check the following MFA website,

2.      You must contact and complain to law enforcement agencies in the counties you reside. In America the Federal Bureau of Investigation is your choice of contact to stop external forces and spies like HNL agents from harassing you. To contact FBI for complaints against rights abusers please call 1-800-225-5324. In Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police is your friend to stop the same abusers and to make them leave you alone. Here is the RCMP number 613-993-2232 and fax 613-993-0260. For other countries search for law enforcement agencies in you local area and do what is needed to stop the criminal from harassing and silencing you.

3.      Please never go to hostile paltalk rooms run by HNL agents and ABDULGHANI JAMAA GULED or diamond digger. In addition, friendly paltalk rooms must ban known abusers and harassers and HNL agents permanently. Also to be serious and force those entering the room from geybe (Ethiopia) to be honest and provide facts and to stop passing useless messages from Murad, Nebil, Mohammed, Mehdi and others, never to manipulate innocent Harari diasporas.  If necessary tell them not to come again with their lies. Beware of those would be friendly people who preach false fears and frighten people with all kind of nonsense.

4.       Those of you who received abusive and threatening emails and calls please share your experiences and forward the emails to appropriate authorities and to friendly websites.

5.      Pleas do not go to the HNLies, meetings, fund raising, Paltalks, jamas and never engages them at all.

6.      Most of all support and protect democratic and nationalist groups and individuals from these kinds of predators. It is very important that democratic and patriotic Hararis must be protected, sheltered and defended in order to provide their services to the society freely. The patriotic force always attacked by the brutal HNL elements to prolong their system of repressions and corruptions. Hararis must stand and provide necessary support to the democratic forces in order free Harar and bring justice to its people.

7.      You need to know that no one, I repeat no one can take Harari region from you. This is your constitutional rights and it is not sadaqa that is given and taken because of the failures of some useless and bad Hararis.  You need to know your constitutions and you will find no single word about HNL and Murad and his gangs there. The constitutions talk about the right of peoples and citizens and visions, cultures, languages and self government for indigenous people. Article 39 sets out rights of nations, nationalities and peoples. Article 45 and 46 defines form of government and states of the federation. Article 47 enumerates member States of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Article 48 State border changes, and Article 50 the structure and division of powers. It is all about people and for people and not political parties. Please read and understand your rights. . Knowing your rights can save you from greedy predators and manipulators who always tell you if you oppose HNL Harari will be taken by this or that group or ethnic elements and injects unfounded fear. HNL can go to hell and nothing can happen to Harar and in fact it will become clean and better place. So please know your rights and the constitution is there to protect and advance the right of Hararis and not designed for any political party or corrupted criminals.

8.      Always you must contact Ethiopian Federal government, all kinds of ministries, members of the Ethiopian parliament, members of the Ethiopian house of federation members, other regional governments, Ethiopian embassies around the world, responsible Ethiopian media and websites to lobby very hard, to create awareness and expose the bad regime of Murad and Regass rules. We all must demand immediate resignations and arrest of these criminals. Awareness and publicity of the hidden burden and shame of Harari regime must be exposed and Hararis must reclaim the rights and dignity and allowed to develop their regions and their country freely and peacefully.

Changing and replacing this failed regime is critical importance to build a viable and healthy Harari society. Of course we all must work hard and form strong, reliable, capable and responsible and nationalist Harari organizations and leadership. We must move from useless talk to serious work and the right suggestions and positive contributions on theses matters are highly valued and appreciated. All Hararis must seriously start looking for better leadership and organization to free our people from this kind of worst atrocities and build equitable, faire and justice society. Therefore, it is good to start mature dialogues, constructive debates and advices to examine plausible, practical and the best steps and actions to rescue our society from current crises.

May 4, 2011


Anonymous said...

Simple solution:- First become democrat in all your dealing (talk & work) and then prove your patriotism by working hard in the field (not mere talk in a far away place).

"must move from useless talk to serious work"?
Sorry, you know the answer. Start with serious work and then talk.

"It is very important that democratic and patriotic Hararis must be protected, sheltered and defended in order to provide their services to the society freely. The patriotic force always attacked by the brutal HNL elements to prolong their system of repressions and corruptions. Hararis must stand and provide necessary support to the democratic forces in order free Harar and bring justice to its people."
- Who are these "democratic and patriotic Hararis" that need protection from HNL/OPDO rather must have been from EPDRF, your ‘saviour’? What have they done so far to claim “democratic and patriotic”?
- Useless talk as already known from the start!


Anonymous said...

Once we figure out the nature of the problem, the next step is to organize and get ready to tackle it. HNL had a field day for the last 16 years oppressing the Harari people and getting fat at their expense. But we need to get serious and get rid of these good-for-nothing-useless Hararis (I am really ashamed to be associated with them) once and for all. HNL thugs used to look down upon anyone who was critical of their actions but lately they have been running aimlessly like mad dogs trying to hold onto their power. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching and fear is gripping the thugs because there is no where to hide. Malsayachlink, keep up the good work, you are the beacon we have all been waiting for to get rid of these kersam bercholes.

Anonymous said...

BIRAQ UL HARAR wrote the following and I support and what he said is true. HNLies are good for nothing and have no feeling to defend the brother martyr Hashim, they throw him to warabach and Ethiochannel came and created false stories with thier help. No one came to defend the miskin martyr and I am hurt and angry with everyone including me for remaining quit and silent while all these crimes are done to our people for a long time. We must speak up and do something to fix the problem and help our people.


I did a little bit of digging on how ethiochannal gathered their information for this article. I also gathered insider information of the last four day’s HNL activity and what the journalist encountered. Here is the summery…

Ethiochannel sent one of their investigative reporters to dig out information surrounding Hashim’s death. The investigator went to three groups to find each side’s version of story about the murder.

Group One, those who are affiliated with Hashim (Harari People): Nobody was willing to inform the journalist about Hashim’s side of story because everybody was afraid for his/her own life. Nobody is willing to testify on behalf of Hashim to police or in court due to fear of retaliation from government and murderers family. Welcome to the world of fear and intimidation; no one is following up the investigation on behalf of Hashim. There is no legal team, DA, or lawyer who is supervising the investigation process on behalf of Hashim.

Group Two, HNLites & police: Both the police and HNLites, released documents to calm down public anger one day after Hashim’s burial testifying that Hashim was murdered by corrupted business men who wanted to take land illegality. In a surprising twist, both HNLites and police denied releasing any document relating Hashim’s murder which shocked the journalist because released documents are archived everywhere. Changing their earlier story, both HNL and police told the journalist that Hashim was intimidating the murderers; he went to their home to kill them; he is the one who started the fight in office. Both HNL and police told the journalist, Hashim was the one who first broke the car of murderers and shot at them. Both HNL and police told the journalist the murderers requested police protection against Hashm several days before the incident (murder).

Group Three, Murderers family: The murderer’s family hired legal team building strong case, ‘acting on self defense’. The murderer’s family are also actively recruiting witnesses and preparing them for court show. They also assembled elders who can mediate and resolve the case traditionally (paying compensation to victim’s family). The story narrated by the murderer’s family to the journalist is exactly the same as the story narrated to journalist by HNLites and police.

In conclusion, Hashim was murdered by individuals who work closely with the government, for refusing to join the corruption network that professionally designed by the highest level of government officials. Investigating Hashim’s case is investigating corruption. Investigating corruption is investigating HNL and OPDO. Investigating HNL and OPDO is investigating EPRDF. Therefore, local and federal government have two options to resolve this issue; a) either to save the government by sacrificing Hashim and if necessary the murderers, or b) to give justice to Hashim by dismantling the corruption network which may result imprisonment of the highest government officials. Let those who don’t know HNL keep guessing. HNL has been trying to eliminate Hashim for the last 20 years and now, unexpectedly, they got what they longing for; hence choice (a) is optimum choice for HNLites.