HNL criminals “cordially” invited you for month long celebrations of “Harar Day” in depressed city of Harar
According the invitation posted on , International “Harar Day” the oppressive HNL regime will celebrate “Harar Day” from July 1 to July 27, 2012 in the most depressed city of Harar . The statement goes on to say this is according to pervious agreements to organize the event every five years in Harar. But the letter did not mention which agreement and with who. This has been expected as HSCF wrote a letter for HNL begging to organize the event some time ago. This is well planed deceptive schemes and now the decision to go or not to go is left for each Diaspora Hararis. In the coming days HSCF officially will announce and call Diaspora Hararis to party and chew kat/chat for the whole month with HNL criminals.
This is a good opportunity for kat/chat lovers and other than that has no value and indeed a mockery of justice and a jock on the suffering of Harari people. The distance and the gulf between the HNL oppressive, backward, corruptive regime and the people and the Diaspora are very huge and antagonistic. HNL mafia hates peace, reconciliations and believes in my way or hell and its Moto is damn you all. HNL regime has no respect for the people and it is anti Harari dark force. HNL hates, despise and disrespect Hararis and by design it is against Harari interests. The mafia groups turns Harar once famed city to dust devoid of freedoms, full of hungry and mentally suffering people.
The damage HNL caused to Hararis has no comparison. They destroyed the fabric that hold and kept all Hararis as a single family and sadly changed Harar to divided and barren land devoid of any brave, intelligent, righteous, just and truth people. HNL thieves made Harar the most corrupt and unjust regions in Ethiopia . Now Harar is synonymous with corruption and injustice and a place where truth becomes crimes, deceptions thrives and brave people made to disappear.
Malasayachlink strongly believes and has convictions that these dark days of Harar comes to pass. As this opportunity Malasayachlink wish all Hararis and every Muslim Happy Eid. Eid Mubarak.
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